Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValuesĪpplication.It’s 2016 and clipboards on our computers still aren’t advanced enough to hold more than one thing at once. ‘ Created by Francis Hayes (The Excel Addict) If TypeName(Selection) “Range” Then Exit Function Also, you’ll have to link the hotkey combination yourself (alt+F8 to get to where that can be done). I recommend adding this code to your Personal.xlsb file so that it’s available from all spreadsheets. This will require some understanding of VBA. There are also a few others I have that are also great for pasting just format, just column width, or just formula. I you want to try you hand at using macros, this one is great - I use this constantly. There are other methods too, so please leave a comment below if you use a different shortcut. Please leave a comment below with your favorite. I'd love to know which method you use for pasting values. If you're more of a mouse user then checkout my article on my favorite mouse for Excel. In the video I also mention my article on the best keyboards for Excel keyboard shortcuts. Custom shortcut with The Paste Buddy Add-in.Custom Quick Access Toolbar (QAT) Button: Alt+ 1.Alt, E, S, V, Enter (Mac: Ctrl+ Cmd+ V).In the video above I share 5 keyboard shortcuts (plus a bonus) to paste values. As I mentioned before, the most common we use is Paste Values. There are keyboard shortcuts for all of the Paste Special commands. The Paste Special… button on those menus opens the full Paste Special Menu. We can also access some of the Paste Special commands from the Home tab and right-click menu in Excel. Paste Values is one of the many pasting options on the Paste Special menu. In the first example above, the blank cells have the default General format, and that is why there is no number formatting applied when we paste values. When we paste values, any existing formatting in the paste range will NOT change. In the image above, the Scenario 1 column already contained both cell formatting (colors) and number formatting. Pasting values will not change any existing formatting that is applied to the cell/range. One common use is for scenario analysis where we want to “freeze” numbers that are results of formulas and place them in some blank cells.Īnother common use is when we want to paste numbers or text into a range that already contains formatting. There are a TON of reasons to paste values. This allows us to extract the numbers or text from cells. Paste Values will paste the values ONLY of the copied range WITHOUT formulas and formatting. Copying and pasting values is probably one of the most common tasks we do in Excel.